Social Media Is Mass Surveillance Making You Lazy, Vulnerable, Self Deluded, Narcissistic, Emotionally Displaced, And Cognitively Dissonant.

Excessive consumption of social media also made people morbidly depressed, suicidal, obese, alone, broke, myopic, sick in the head, and internally isolated in a room full of people. While high on social media you’re a lone gamer who plays himself while being played by a code. If you’re a social media expert, a “guru” or an internet manager, as I used to be, or if you’re a lover of social media and you want me to present you with a deep study or any references on what I say, then go right now and take a deep look at your own self in the mirror.

The Backdoors To All “Social Media” That Is “Anti-Social”.

When social media experts were not yet born, we were testing it for the state and the U.S. government, unknowingly, and at times willingly without understanding what it was being used for. The United States government and the U.S. military deploy undercover digital assets that you can’t even begin to comprehend. They and their national and international subsidiaries run the core INTERNET, like the Wizard of Oz, as they did its predecessor ARPANET, under the protocols of DARPA, and now you have the so-called “social media platforms” today with funding from CIA-backed VC firms like In-Q-Tel. The basic algorithms of these technologies are similar to those deployed by IBM systems for the German Nazis. Many of them were handed various government positions in America after World War II. Their legacy now rules America in different but stunning forms, from the design of the U.S. prison system, which is a replica of the Nazi playbook, to government surveillance of its people, or specific demographics of people, except for political reasons, but without cause or consent.

The affluent U.S. government of the poor people of the United States also owns the covert and overt intelligence-gathering operations through the backdoors of these anti-social networks. This group of cheap designer suits includes their European cohorts and other Ponzi governments that copy the U.S. because they adhere to using the same crude mechanisms of dominance, that authoritarian regimes love to implement as power tactics over their people to control them. FaceMash, The Facebook, currently known as Facebook was launched in 2003 and the rest of your privacy is now history. There were no Chinese or Russian “social media platforms” before the U.S. But now there are many. The Finnish and the Israelis beat them by a long shot in the 80s/90s using internet relay messaging services.

As we take into account all these useless “intelligence agencies” and their clownish friends around the world runing their rackets on these anti-social media ripoff platforms, comparing social media - with actually being social - is like, a remote worker I hire 6000 miles away, orders me to fire the person working right next to me at my office in D.C.

You Are A Pawn. Chess piece of the smallest size and value. They Are All Spying On You. What Are You Going To Do?

YouTube, potentially one of the biggest intelligence-gathering fronts after Twitter, was launched on February 14, 2005, by some of the boys from the Paypal mafia. CNN joined the frenzy on Oct 2, 2005. FBI joined on Oct 30, 2005. I was probably one of the first in a government agency for global broadcasting, the BBG, other than the FBI, who started a YouTube channel in the mid-2000s. ABC News Joined Aug 7, 2006. I joined to test on Sep 11, 2006, around the same time as FOX News did, on Sep 18, 2006. YouTube was bought by Google on October 9, 2006, and The CIA Joined on Nov 5, 2006. And the stage was set. The co-founders of Google, or BackRub, as it was called, were also - part of a computer science research team at Stanford University that received funding from Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS), a program managed for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) by large intelligence and military contractors -

The apparatus runs across the world with doors revolving from Prague to the suburbs of Washington D.C. Though Prague is much better for them because of no law and oversight.

Why would a federal government “non-intelligence” agency become a “VC” or get into funding startups? Do they have a lot of money to “blow”? Are they SBA? Did not they lack money? Which of the black or brown or Native American food banks or startups do they support? How about funding our tech team to launch an app that’s preinstalled on all their government-issued devices that openly investigate what they do in real-time, all the time while they are employed on American taxpayer dollars? And we have unlimited oversight over them with no foreign or national interference? How about funding that?

It’s a sham, and the American people are the pawns. Do you know these guys America? This would not have happened had you cut their funding and stopped their frivolous spending like you do with your spoiled teenage kid. But then maybe these agencies will go international and sell drugs through cartels to get the money and do what they can to hold on to power.

But the issue is, the “pharaohs fell miserably as they drowned and witnessed their demise”.

Why would these agencies promote an agenda that does not benefit their citizens? For about 200 years America survived without any of these underperforming agencies. Why don’t they help Americans, their actual employers, or work on a tech that could provide pure and fresh milk from the grass-fed cows at their local American farms? This will benefit Americans.

Why would you run around beating the drums about something that is rendered paralyzed where there’s no power to light up a bulb if God destroys everything after a deadly tornado or a tsunami or an earthquake or a flood or a massive rock falling down from heaven on their heads? Why on earth do government agencies always have to fund the wrong damned thing?

It’s okay if you doubt all this and run to their search engine “Google” to confirm the facts, but there is no such thing as a coincidence. You did not plan, nor execute, your own birth.

Government Employees Are Beta Testers. Be It For Vaccines That Can Maim You or For Lousy Spying Apps Like Facebook.

In the mid-2000s, during my foolish quest to become a happy GS13 - a socially secured U.S. government employee - I got blindsided by technology versus intent. I was at least 2 years ahead of my own agency BBG and its other tentacles such as VOA, because their daddy, the U.S. State Dept., along with the CIA, was way behind the social media catch-up game and joined ShitTube on Feb 25, 2007.

They can explain their reasons and justify what they do with those reasons but I got into using their tech to do journalism and get promoted. It was being pushed on us and other news networks as a tool to bypass restrictions. We worked as a team with internal and external intermediaries from the government and the corporate sectors. Some of those colleagues took the revolving doors with VC funding after failed product launches and I later resigned and started my own company so I can freely speak the truth.

When you are a U.S. government employee, you are a tadpole. Lacking legs until the later stages of your development. What’s ironic in the USG is the higher you go, so does your ego. If you don’t get out early, you will never get out sane, and then you're permanently fucked.

Lying is a core part of government agencies and news networks but imagine what happens when they both join hands and become one. Then you have what you do today in America and around the world. If a government or a corporation colluding with news media or social media rings bizarre, similarly, monarchy-owned news networks like the BBC, DW, or Aljazeera can never execute impartial journalism when they can’t even hold their own rulers accountable. With biased networks including corporate news, it’s impossible to be truthful.

Now put all that on steroids and multiply to infinity to match the lies and deceptive practices of corporate-owned and government-backed anti-social media working hard on you daily, grinding you to the bones as you happily yap and churn and scroll away your life.

Everyone Milking The USA Patriot Act For Personal Gains.

What we didn’t know at that time in the mid-2000s was how these social media companies, the digital products that we tested, and “content creation platforms” will be working knee-deep with their donors and intelligence agencies, gathering intel and our private data at the behest of the U.S. and other foreign governments, to use it against us. We were all pawned and utilized as beta testers. The irony is, people are still being used just as that. Pawns.

Most, if not all of these platforms, give backdoor access to the government/s they pledge allegiance to so they can spy on you, as creeps do. They can also block you, bully you, shadow-ban you, leak your data, and then delete your entire account, without any notice or reason, as thugs and gangsters do. But they will still sell your data to the highest bidder. You would have to actually go out of your way to stop them from selling your personal info.

For them to justify mass surveillance as a way to protect you is such a loud joke, that you can hear them laughing with both ears closed. Most of their deployed tactics didn’t help in averting data breaches, extortion, mass shootings, ransomware, bloodshed, starvation, illegal immigration, abductions, school shootings, murders, robberies, bombings, or wars.

Handing Over The Underwear.

Between 2006 and 2007 we put the testing to work using YouTube, BBG internal (In Beta) assets, and other social mediums as journalism tools to reach our audiences in South Asia because General Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad had banned local and international TV networks including VOA broadcasts to Pakistan. Some of my former colleagues - government employees and contractors - complained about, my openly using social media to air content in the region without agency approval. A meeting was called, and the governor of the former agency, the BBG, now known as, “Who Cares”, gathered everyone in a crowded newsroom one morning. He asked, who is “ Imran Siddiqui”?. One of my nonhostile former colleagues pointed her finger at me, while others stood in fear or shock or anticipation to awe. The governor asked me to step forward, so I did, he then put his arm around my shoulder, after a pat on my back, and told everyone at VOA News to follow my lead.

I was set as an example of how to bypass content restrictions globally. “Social Media” blew up internationally. The race to delusion had begun. everyone jumped in. The frenzy had begun and they had all the money to fund any department’s social media campaigns. The harder we ran the higher I climbed but the faster I wanted to get out of there alive.

I felt motivated at that moment because I was too naive to understand why it was being encouraged when we were already number one in global audience reach at that time, reaching over 350 million viewers and listeners directly, daily, and worldwide with VOA being the largest U.S. international broadcaster. Why would you need a “Tube” when you are a “Barrel” reaching millions of people using actual broadcasting with satellites, transmitters, AM and FM radio stations, and terrestrial TV? How about trying to retain the existing audience share before you lose it? It was not for “reach” or creativity, nor to give you a chance to showcase your talents, or because it was an alternative to being blocked from airing content in your target region - it was to mine you and your entire generational data.

Soon after, YouTube got banned in Pakistan because the contentious element here was the questionable news content and narrative that was being constructed, not the carrier of it.

All Government and Corporate Backed News or Social Media Is Only Propaganda. A Global Hijacking of Your Actual Choice.

If, for example, a nation or people do not agree with any homosexual ideologies or tendencies, then you cannot brand them as authoritarian - because that’s their choice.

Just like people have a choice to detox their body with their own piss, if they want to, then other people can choose to accept or reject what they want.

Branding them as hostile nations or authoritarian just because they don't agree with you and don’t want you, demonstrates who in reality is being authoritative and hostile to who.

There are a lot of people who are happy and settled, or maybe not, but they do not use or have ever used social media in their lives. Why would it bother you if they do or do not?

You don’t have to shame them on likes or followers if they don’t want to join the social marathon nor do you have to push it down their throats. When you do, it shows your intent. You can waste your fleeting hours on it, but encouraging the use of these anti-social mediums is like being an addict who greets the robber at the front door and hands over everything worth guarding. In the end, you ask for some pity so the robber lets you walk away naked holding just your underwear in your hand.

What They Know About You Is As Much As What You Allow Them To Know.

In any digital dominion, you need to take control, not them. As you read this article, keep in mind that I don’t need to bullshit you, as most of them do. I understand who started these platforms and for what reasons, who is actually behind them today, and how they are used to disseminate and reproduce agenda-driven lies, repackaged as content, to convince you to change your mind about something that you should not agree with in the first place.

These platforms are inherently designed and coded to be biased and to go against your well-being with negative consequences to your cognitive ability to make independent decisions about what is good for you and what is not.

They will never work in your favor unless you learn how to passively but authoritatively use them to your advantage or learn to live without them. You are already trapped in vanity if you’re fully invested in them aggressively with no other plans of your own. We worked directly with their digital protocols and involuntarily tested their multiple products pushing U.S. government propaganda on innocent citizens of the world under the cover of international journalism, truthful reporting, and “social media content development”. The only thing that is being developed with it is mental illness.

You need to ask yourself, how much do these social media platforms really benefit you, and how much of the truth are they really telling you - all of them - government-owned or corporate media? How many selfies will be enough for you to stop gloating for them while they improve their facial recognition algorithms? They will never tell you the truth because the truth goes against them and their revenue streams.

You don’t need to be a digital slave to any platform or any app but you do need to get out there in the open air and uninstall these surveilling apps from your phone. And start living.

As noted earlier, there are many people in this world who use urine to detox their bodies, and they have many “likes” and “followers”. But having many “likes” or “followers” doesn’t mean that it’s good for you or it’s cool. You would be a moron if you ignore the fact that you can easily detox your body with a lot of other, better things, than your own piss.

The Paradox of Social Media: The Erosion of Human Connection.

You Are Being Fooled. They Take Advantage of Your Vulnerabilities. That’s Not A Friend.

In the era of social media dominance, it is evident that these digital platforms have transformed the way we communicate and interact with others. While the promise of connecting people from all corners of the world seemed revolutionary, the intended or unintended consequences of social media have slowly come to light. Regrettably, the extensive use of social media has inadvertently contributed to making people lazy, self-deluded, alone, and internally isolated, leaving us to ponder whether the price of technological advancement is too high.

First, the pervasive nature of social media has cultivated a culture of laziness among its users. The ease of accessing information at one's fingertips, coupled with instant gratification through likes and shares, has bred an environment where critical thinking and deep reflection take a backseat. Rather than seeking knowledge through traditional methods, people now rely on bite-sized, often sensationalized content. The convenience of scrolling through a news feed instead of delving into in-depth articles has led to an alarming lack of intellectual curiosity, and capacity, ultimately fostering a society less inclined to engage in meaningful debates or challenges to their perspectives.

Second, social media has created a breeding ground for self-delusion. The perpetual cycle of comparing ourselves to carefully curated profiles can lead to an unhealthy fixation on the appearance of a perfect life. These platforms are a double-edged sword, as they offer an outlet for self-expression, yet simultaneously perpetuate unrealistic standards of success, beauty, and happiness. Consequently, people may construct a facade to conform to the distorted reality portrayed on social media, causing them to lose touch with their authentic selves, thus becoming trapped and lost in a self-made illusion.

Third, paradoxically, despite the vast number of online connections, social media has contributed to an increasing sense of loneliness and alienation. Online interactions can never truly replace genuine face-to-face interactions, which are essential for building deep and meaningful relationships. People have become more inclined to favor virtual interactions, which are often shallow and transient, leaving them feeling disconnected and isolated internally. The relentless pursuit of virtual validation through likes, comments, and followers has replaced the intrinsic value of personal connections, exacerbating feelings of loneliness and emotional detachment.

Furthermore, social media has also led to a phenomenon known as "echo chambers." Users tend to surround themselves with like-minded individuals, reinforcing their existing beliefs and values. This echo chamber effect hampers the potential for diverse perspectives and open discourse, further fueling self-delusion and preventing personal and mental growth. The result is a polarized society with increased animosity towards those with differing viewpoints, leading to further isolation from broader societal dialogues.

In culmination, the pervasive use of social media has undeniably brought about several adverse effects on society. Laziness, self-delusion, internal isolation, and loneliness have all emerged as residual consequences of this so-called digital revolution. As we move forward, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and preserving the authentic human connections that are fundamental to our well-being. Ultimately, the solution lies in recognizing the limitations of social media and consciously engaging in meaningful real-life interactions that can foster a more empathetic, compassionate, and understanding society.

The Silently Intruding Nagative Impact On Your Daily Life.

In the world of social media, you are called, “A User”. That means you are hooked on their mental drug and you’re addicted to it. You are not a person there, you are just a number.

The insidious impact of social media on our daily lives cannot be overstated, as it has infiltrated various aspects of our existence, perpetuating the negative consequences mentioned earlier. Let's delve further into these issues and explore real-world examples that highlight the detrimental effects of social media.

  • Laziness and Superficial Information Consumption: Social media platforms, with their addictive nature, tend to promote mindless scrolling, leading to decreased attention spans and an aversion to in-depth content. Instead of reading comprehensive articles or engaging in critical analysis, users often rely on clickbait headlines and sensationalized content. This behavior exemplifies how social media fosters laziness, hindering intellectual growth.

Real Example: A study conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that about 68% of U.S. adults get their news from social media. This often results in individuals sharing articles without reading them fully. This impulsive behavior leads to the spread of misinformation and reinforces surface-level understanding of complex issues.

  • Self-Delusion and the Culture of Perfection: Social media platforms encourage users to present the best versions of themselves, leading to a relentless pursuit of perfection. As users post carefully curated images and stories, they may feel pressured to maintain a facade of happiness and success, even when their actual lives are far from ideal. This quest for validation based on appearances can have severe implications for mental health. Also, look at how they stream live suicides and killings to condition your mind.

Real Example: The "Instagram Influencer" phenomenon epitomizes self-delusion. Influencers often project seemingly glamorous lives, filled with luxury vacations, designer clothing, and exciting experiences. However, behind the perfectly filtered images, many influencers have admitted to feeling lonely, anxious, unhappy, and bankrupt highlighting the disparity between the online persona and reality.

  • Loneliness and Alienation: Social media has made it possible to connect with people worldwide, but the quality of these connections is questionable. Instead of fostering genuine bonds, online interactions often lead to feelings of isolation, as users may experience jealousy or inadequacy when comparing their lives to others. The fear of missing out (FOMO) and the constant pressure to keep up with the virtual world can exacerbate feelings of loneliness.

Real Example: Studies have indicated a correlation between social media usage and increased feelings of loneliness. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that young adults who spent more than two hours per day on social media were twice as likely to feel socially isolated than those who spent less time online.

  • Echo Chambers and Polarization: Social media algorithms are designed to show users content that aligns with their existing preferences, creating echo chambers that reinforce beliefs and stifle diverse perspectives. This phenomenon limits exposure to different viewpoints and contributes to societal polarization, as people become more entrenched in their ideological bubbles.

Real Example: The spread of misinformation on social media platforms has become a significant concern which was evident during the COVID-19 pandomania. False information, origins, treatments, and prevention methods spread widely on various social media channels, leading to public confusion. On the other side, those who were critical of the vaccines were banned, harassed humiliated, beaten up, and compartmentalized as governments did during the segregation and apartheid era. Archaic scare tactics were used to fearmonger and control the people to kill dissenting points of view.

One Man’s Conspiracy Theory Is Another Man’s Fact.

Social media's impact on society has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond connectivity and communication.

The rise of laziness, self-delusion, internal isolation, and loneliness reflects the unintended price we pay for the convenience and allure of virtual connection.

It is essential for individuals to be mindful of their social media usage, seek out diverse perspectives, and prioritize authentic human connections to mitigate these adverse effects and foster empathetic relationships and a more harmonious society.

Why Having More Views And Likes And Fans And Followers Does Not Mean The Product Is Good. Learn To Differentiate Between Herd Mentality And Independent Factual Thinking.

The allure of views, likes, fans, and followers on social media has created a superficial yardstick for measuring the success or quality of a product or content. However, the number of engagements does not necessarily correlate with the actual merit or value of the offering. There are several reasons why having a high number of views and likes does not guarantee that the product is good:

  • Visibility and Clickbait: Social media algorithms often prioritize content that generates higher engagement, leading to a "clickbait" culture. Eye-catching or sensationalized content may attract numerous views and likes, but it may not provide genuine value or substance for your time or money.

  • Influencer Marketing: Influencers with a massive following can heavily influence the perception of a product. Many followers might like or endorse a product merely because their favorite influencer does so, regardless of the product's actual quality.

  • Paid Promotions: Brands and individuals can buy views, likes, and followers to create an illusion of popularity. These artificial numbers may not reflect the product's true appeal but can mislead people into believing it is good and widely accepted.

  • Herd Mentality: Social media platforms are breeding grounds for herd mentality, where people tend to conform to popular opinions without critically evaluating the product themselves. This behavior can lead to a bandwagon effect, where people like or follow something because others do, without independently assessing its worth.

The Difference Between Herd Mentality And Independent Factual Thinking.

Herd Mentality:

  • Conformity: Herd mentality revolves around conforming to the views and preferences of a larger group. People may follow trends or opinions without questioning them, simply because "everyone else" seems to do so.

  • Emotional Influence: Emotions, such as fear of missing out or desire for acceptance, often drive herd mentality. People may engage with content or buy products due to peer pressure rather than a rational evaluation of the product or of their own needs.

  • Limited Critical Thinking: In herd mentality, individuals may not critically analyze the information or assess the product's qualities independently. They rely on the collective zero-wisdom of the crowd.

Independent Factual Thinking:

  • Critical Analysis: Independent factual thinking involves critical evaluation of information, evidence, and product attributes. People base their judgments on objective facts rather than emotional impulses.

  • Informed Decisions: Individuals engaged in independent factual thinking seek information from multiple sources, fact-check claims, and consider various perspectives before forming an opinion or making a decision.

  • Resilience to Social Pressure: People practicing independent factual thinking are less susceptible to social pressure and the influence of herd mentality. They trust their judgment and are open to forming their views even if they go against popular opinion.

  • Accountability: Independent factual thinkers take responsibility for their choices. They are willing to admit mistakes and adjust their views based on new information.

The number of views, likes, fans, and followers on social media can be misleading indicators of a product's quality. Herd mentality often drives these metrics, with people engaging in content or following trends without independent factual thinking. To make informed decisions, it is imperative to adopt critical analysis, fact-checking, and a willingness to question popular opinions, ensuring that popularity aligns with genuine value and merit.

Concrete Solutions For People To Permanently Free Themselves From The Wicked Clutches Of Anti-Social Media Slavery.

Breaking free from the grasp of social media consumption can be challenging, but with determination and discipline, individuals can regain control of their lives and find a healthier balance with technology. Here are some concrete solutions to permanently reduce and then delete social media consumption:

  • Set Clear Goals and Boundaries: Begin by defining your reasons for reducing social media usage. Establish specific goals, such as spending less time online, improving focus, or fostering more meaningful relationships. Get into physical activities. Set daily or weekly time limits for social media usage and stick to them.

  • Audit and Reduce Social Media Accounts: Evaluate the social media platforms you use and identify the ones that add genuine value to your life. Consider deactivating or deleting accounts that contribute little to your personal or professional growth. Focus on keeping only the platforms that truly align with your interests and goals.

  • Remove Social Media Apps: Remove social media apps from your phone or other devices to reduce the temptation to mindlessly scroll. By making it less accessible, you can significantly decrease your time spent on these platforms.

  • Designate Specific Times for Social Media Use: Allocate specific time slots during the day for checking and engaging with social media, if needed. By confining it to designated periods, you can prevent social media from encroaching on other essential aspects of your daily personal life.

  • Unfollow and Unsubscribe: Cleanse your social media feeds by unfollowing accounts that do not contribute positively to your well-being. Surround yourself with content that brings value, educates, or uplifts you rather than causing comparisons or negative emotions about your worth.

  • Limit Notifications: Disable non-essential notifications from social media apps. Constant notifications can create a sense of urgency and distract you from more meaningful tasks that you need to address every day.

Find Alternative Activities: Rediscover hobbies or activities that bring you joy and fulfillment outside the digital realm. Engage in physical exercise, reading, creative pursuits, or spending time with loved ones to fill the void left by social media.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness to recognize when you are turning to social media out of habit or boredom. Redirect your focus to the present moment and engage in activities that align with your goals. Or use that time to relax.

  • Seek Support: Share your intention to reduce social media usage with friends, family, or support groups. Having a support system can also help you stay accountable and motivated in your journey to free yourself from the social media octopus.

  • Use Productivity Apps: Utilize productivity apps that track your screen time and social media usage. These tools can offer valuable insights into your digital habits, empowering you to make more informed decisions.

  • Embrace Digital Detox: Periodically go on a digital detox by completely disconnecting from social media for a specific duration, such as a weekend or a week. This practice allows you to reevaluate the impact of social media on your life and reestablish healthier habits with oversight and control.

  • Focus on Real-Life Connections: Prioritize face-to-face interactions and genuine human connections. Engage in meaningful conversations and activities with friends, family, and colleagues to foster deeper relationships, not e-relationships.

Remember, breaking free from social media consumption is a gradual process, and setbacks may occur. Be patient with yourself, focus on small victories, and stay committed to creating a healthier relationship with technology and the world inside and around you.

Real Health, Personal And Financial Benefits Of Freeing Yourself From Social Media Insanity.

Breaking free from social media insanity can lead to numerous health, personal, and financial benefits, improving overall well-being and quality of life. Here are some real advantages of reducing or eliminating excessive social media usage:

Health Benefits:

  • Improved Mental Health: Reduced exposure to social media can decrease feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness and less stress on your vision. Limiting comparisons to others' seemingly perfect lives can promote a more positive self-image and reduce the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards.

  • Better Sleep: Excessive social media use, especially before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns. Disconnecting from screens and social media can lead to improved sleep quality, allowing for better rest and overall physical and mental health.

  • Enhanced Focus and Productivity: Less time spent on social media means fewer distractions, leading to improved focus and productivity in both personal and professional activities.

  • Reduced Stress: Constantly being bombarded with information and notifications can create a sense of information overload and stress. Stepping away from social media can help alleviate this burden and bring a sense of calmness.

Personal Benefits:

  • Stronger Relationships: Focusing on real-life interactions fosters more meaningful and authentic connections with friends, family, and your loved ones, leading to deeper and more fulfilling relationships.

  • Increased Self-Discovery: With less external influence from social media, individuals can focus on their passions, interests, skill development, and personal growth, leading to a better understanding of themselves and their true aspirations.

  • Time for Pursuing Hobbies: Reduced social media consumption opens up more time to engage in hobbies and activities that bring joy and fulfillment, encouraging personal development and creativity.

  • Enhanced Focus on Goals: Without the constant distractions of social media, individuals can concentrate on their long-term goals and take steps toward achieving them with gradual steps.

Financial Benefits:

  • Less Impulse Spending: Social media often exposes users to advertisements and products, leading to impulsive purchases. Reducing exposure can result in more mindful spending and better financial management.

  • Opportunities for Professional Growth: By investing less time in social media, individuals can redirect their energy towards professional development, which may lead to career advancement or entrepreneurial ventures.

  • Lower Data Costs: Reduced social media usage can lead to lower data consumption, resulting in potential savings on mobile phone bills and internet expenses.

  • Reduced Influence of Consumerism: Social media platforms are filled with messages promoting consumerism. Freeing oneself from this constant influence can lead to more intentional and conscious spending choices.

The Deranged Terminologies Used on Social Media For You.

Look at the ill words they force you to use - “Gone Viral”. I mean, if that is the case, then stay the heck away from me, you’re sick. As if having 100k views or 2 million views is such a big deal that it pays for some poor homeless man's bed and breakfast for a day. These fake numbers are nothing in a world with billions of people who don't care about Virality.

How about the way they speak with you? “We are sending you a warning, your first strike, after two more, you will be permanently deleted, but the strike will stay on your account, so you are afraid to do anything again”. I replied, “Go to Hell and Burn there perpetually”.

What is more ridiculous is how the so-called social media sharing and marketing platforms sell their packages to marketers. It’s a farmers’ market of digital delusion. “For 50 bucks a month, we give you, 1 chicken tender which is 1 Instagram account, 1 beefsteak or 1 Facebook account, and 1 slice of rotten potato which is 1 Twitter account, or you have 30 minutes to save 20% if you sign up right now for a yearly plan to promote your dumb social media accounts”. Then they make you spend more of your money on buying fake likes from Cambodia and fake followers from India to build you a fake persona in the UK with a creative status that you can show off to satisfy your bulging ego. Is this your life as a social media janitor? Kissing the toes of one to lick the heels of another? When the other turned out to be a goat? What will you do when the power goes out? When will you actually start to live? When some other social media manager writes your obituary on a Facebook memorial page?

Most people don't need millions or thousands or even hundreds of fake likes or paid followers when the game is rigged against you from the beginning. There was a reason why all these platforms abruptly exploded after the forced enactment of the Patriot Act. Now they're not just in your homes and your phones but also in your heads. Do you know what you would do or feel when you get a million fans or views or shares? You would go crazy and celebrate by screaming, “Oh my gosh, Dick! Look at what the cat brought in today?”. 

Do you know how you look down upon those who have fewer likes or followers without any regard for what is being said? You laugh and use heart emojis on useless things while the driver is yelling at the top of his lungs, warning you, about the train that’s coming head-on”.

Those who counter the herd mentality, don’t attack them, you look weak like that. Instead, turn yourself away from the anti-social media and save your own sanity. Be a human again.

Liberating oneself from the grip of social media insanity brings significant health benefits, such as improved mental well-being and better sleep. On a personal level, it leads to stronger relationships, increased self-discovery, and more time for pursuing passions. Financially, it can result in reduced impulse spending, lower data and wireless costs, and decreased influence of consumerism.

Embracing a more critical, mindful, and balanced approach to social media can pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Try it. But don’t forget to do it before you die.

To be able to get things done seriously or do something worthwhile you only need a handful of sincere, committed, good old-fashioned tough people, not a whole lot of cry babies that don’t show up when needed. For others, there is always “social media” where your lonely post will stay buried until you resurrect it by paying some ransom tax to an already dead corporation decaying in a digital prison cell. But a well-funded post will get millions of views? What if a gang of criminals is paying for those “funds”?

If any entity wants to know everything about me then that entity is trying to act like a god,  but the problem for them arises when someone like me stands up and says, No.

I already have submitted my face to the One God, the Almighty, the Merciful. And He is Irresistible. His Force is Unbreakable. Under His surveillance, Everything is being Recorded.

Wait until He plays back the recordings to Judge over us using His unconquerable Algorithms of Justice, with the Truth. Then we will see, who actually wins, in the end.

Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog. Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions airs on J107Justice Radio


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